Nate, getting to the bottom of this in his own way.
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Then she better start explaining, although I doubt she’ll still have the same stance she currently does by end of it all.
The ‘shell’ forged by her ‘friends’ went hard long ago. Nate’s cracked it open but he’s doing his best to minimise the damage here. He’ll help her talk herself around, lessening the damage to her own ego.
[Welsh Rat]:
Nate: “No, Beth, I *DON’T* understand, but if you explain it to me, I’ll listen.”
Cleo’s father is a billionaire. Considering the sheer magnitude of the economic inequality between Cleo and her former friends, saying that they were ‘mooching’ off her seems extremely misleading to me. If Cleo spends an amount of money which to her is meaninglessly small on them, do you really think “fairness” then requires them to spend an equal amount on her, even though it might require them to save their allowances for months or years to save that amount?
If they’re only with her for her money, they’re mooching as they’re adding nothing to the relationship and are, in fact, exploiting the victim.
I suspect that Lizzie was genuinely trying to be Cleo’s friend, and the other two were using her as convenient cover for their mooching operation. But Lizzie didn’t recognize that the others had a different motive than she did, and still hasn’t.
From the looks of things that seems to be the case, seeing as she was the often ignored voice of reason in the group. Chances are she genuinely believed the other two were good people deep down and just needed to show it, and her blind belief from way back when it all started just kept hiding the truth from her. A mindset nurtured and instilled in her by her parents, from the sounds of their business. There is always the chance the other two could turn over a new leaf, increasingly small at this point, but they have never experienced something that forced them to reconsider their way of thinking.
Children aren’t usually set in their ways, most young to middle-aged adults aren’t fully set in their ways, and develop their approach and philosophies as they mature, some do so better than others, and grow into the kinds of people they will be moving forward. But with everything, the right opportunities and guidance can dramatically shape how things develop for individuals. There’s still time for the right sort of change to happen, whether or not it’s given the proper chance to do so is an entirely different story.
She’s about to explain. We will see how she gets through that
Talking honestly with Nate,
breaking down all her barriers;
speaking the truth cold in her throat
to one of natures’ truth Harriers.
Lizzie’s personality fights through
against the lies she wasn’t aware of;
going from an honest deception
to an acceptance she can’t bear of.
She’s picking up the jigsaw of her life
and starting to reframe the set.
If Nate helps to make the right moves
she may get back in Cleo’s life yet.
Seems that we’ll have soon some interesting revelations about the “friendly link” between Cleo and Lizzy
Never try to understand a girl’s mind , Nate : it’s “out of range” for our boy’s brains XD
I expect her to claim that she spent her own money–and she may have, but she was still part of the gang extorting money from Cleo for allowing her to hang around with them.
He will try to understand as much as he can xD
It almost seems like she didn’t see what was wrong with what happened.
It’s complicated :p
Only Deborah Harry can be called Blondie.
But we can call her Thin Lizzie…
Thin Lizzie xD
I see a potentially interesting psychological experiment in the making. Assuming Nate doesn’t drive the subject mad, then we should continue to monitor this exchange. Welsh Rat, prepare puns and witty sayings to minimize potential damage to civilians. Panther, prepare detailed insights for the lab report. Robin, lay out the color palet. Advanced emotions should be anticipated. Once we have confirmation from all officers we can begin the primary investigation. Grab those lab coats and clipboards people; and don’t forget the first rule of science: Stay awesome!
*takes his laptop and his transcriber*
” – I’m ready , sir” ^^
You forgot your tricorder!!
What? No I didn’t. It’s right… Oh. This is a pocket calculator. Thanks Ed!
Science being done? in the comment section of my comic?
Carry on xD
An honest friendship can be twisted into horrible things when one you think is your friend is in it for something else. One part of the circle of friends can anchor the whole thing, and when one is shown as a false friend others may be taken out in the crossfire…
You are right, and Lizzy is quite in the crossfire :p
Maybe she and Cleo had a mutual thing going on, free treatments at the boutique for free stuff from Cleo, but the others horned into it without offering anything?
Kinda hard to tell from looking at her early appearances what her attitude then was, mostly because she didn’t say anything. Was any of the current storyline planned, or her character development, when she was introduced back in Snake Oil?
Anyway, looking forward to knowing more and seeing her side of the story. Even if she had more of a mutually beneficial relationship with Cleo, she was still indenile about how the others acted.
And I still wonder, (had Larissa not stopped it for obvious reasons) how Liz would have felt about Cleo making friends with Kaya and inviting her to the group.
Liz would not have had a problem with Kaya that much if it wasn’t for Larissa. So I’d say, they would be getting along.
Well, I’m interested to hear her out but I’m pretty skeptical myself to her objections.
I think everyone is
=D nice to be back and have the comic better than ever
Welcome home, Chupaloop!
Welcome back, Chupaloop
Where are you back from? :p
i was here in the early beginning and both my phone and computer broke
but* not and*
Hey Nate, ease up on Liz a little, will ya? You can plainly see she’s distressed and needs to get things out into the open. Just give her a moment.
I suspect that if Nate DOESN’T keep her “off-balance”, then she’ll concoct answers that somehow avoid depicting her as an “exploiter”. If she’s distressed, it’s because the answers to Nate’s questions reveal her to be a person who’s less nice than she’d like to admit, & nobody enjoys seeing themselves that way. The sooner she admits that she’s been acting badly, the sooner she can adjust her actions to something that doesn’t shame her in her own eyes. Nate seems to believe in “ripping the bandage off” fast, & getting it over with, rather than lingering over the pain.
Maybe that’s his strategy. Put on some pressure to make sure she spills the beans :p
“Now’s your moment (la la la)
Both of you in the same room (la la la)
Boy, you better do it soon
No time will be better (la la la la)
She don’t say a word
And she won’t say a word
Unless you kiss the girl.”
To quote a certain one-eyed Mike, “You’re STILL NOT LISTENING!”
I noticed she keeps saying “I” and not “we.” Maybe she was slipping some money back to Cleo for her own purchases? And I hope the next chapter takes us to “Spots and Stripes.”
This definitely won’t happen, but I can’t keep this quiet. Chapter 8 could be about them befriending a hybrid that nobody know what the other species is. Like Benji is a dog, but whatever the new kid is, nobody knows.
A sergal in “Twin dragons” ? ^_^”
Maybe one of my Whikkkhkkts.

Hmmm.. A “little green hybrid from Mars?”
That’s a statue behind them yeah? Either that or they lost connection to the server and are frozen.
I have been debating this in my head. Elizabeth possibly could have been lonely with no friends like Cleo is and as Nate said her father was “well off”. We can already see that Larissa is a manipulator and a user, quite possible Dinah is as well and latched on to the older girl to benefit. I don’t think either of them really understand the concept of friendship and instead just using people. What Cleo was subjected to, I believes Elizabeth was as well as she was targeted first and mooched off of. Then Larissa found Cleo and her and her friend moved to target her. I say friend because I don’t think Elizabeth was their friend really even though she thought she was. She was also so desperate for friendship that she emulated her “friends” somewhat so that they would like her and behaved somewhat like they did, but at the same time she really believes Cleo was her friend because she couldn’t see that by emulating Larissa that she was harming Cleo. It is clear though that she doesn’t think like them at all.
Great analysis
‘Twas masterf’ly insightful
You could be a shrink
Elizabeth: “I wasn’t mooching off of Cleo! I own stock in her! I was collecting my dividends!”
Nate: “Wait, what?”
Elizabeth: “I swear, everything was cleared with the SEC!”