Penguins are now officially OFF the cute list!
Okay, only that one, the others are still cute.
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She moved the trap,
the Penguin of doom
they could have had it easy;
now they flee the room.
Will she wake the Gryphon
from its’ sleepy fate
or, when it comes to it,
is her need to live too great?
She’s truly fleet of foot
her tail doesn’t weigh an ounce
but now can she flee
as fast as she can pounce?
And you wonder why we humans got rid of our tails. Sheesh, they were almost as bad as capes…….
“No capes!” (How do I type with a German accent??)
Loudly, sternly and hit someone with a stick. Perhaps Kayas’ destiny poker?
Where can I get one of those? Sounds like fun!
…or is it just another specialized version of the card game? 
Still, she managed to avoid the door pretty nicely :p
I would be Kai , i’d bite your tail just for be a lesson , Kaya ………… But , well
The great question now is : they’re in the necromancer room , what if the door for the gryphon lair has closed too ?
That would mean they’re screwed, of course.
╠╬╬╬╣Put this on your page
╠╬╬╬╣If you LOVE
Was frightened to get an answer as “Kaya will deal with door if closed” ^_^”
We don’t bite tails around here. It’s bad manners :p
Maybe . But that’s better than to feel some murder needs towards her XD
I just google translate this scene
SLAM EEP! It almost does it! Why is he doing that; I do not know! You are OK; Do you have anything? I just built a penguin. He is the only person on earth and I’m sorry to bring him back. Why brrrrm, Kaya? We can do it easy … why are you betting my penguin? Quickly!
It translated it from english to bad english? xD
The penguin of betrayal,
a beast of doubt and lies.
it turned out to be a trap,
a death-dealer in disguise.
Perhaps escape is the route to take
to avoid being flattened like a pancake?
This penguin was not a friend.
Looks like the party chose option A) Run. The other options were B) Cast shield and C) Blow that door up and get revenge
Now the question is if the mysterious rumble announces an Indiana Jones style rock trap or a full cave-in. And what will Kaya do about the Pan- eh Griffin and Kenny?
And btw, is it just my browser acting up or does the Gamer Dragons link preview still show the card game instead of the newest comic? I remember Robin writing that the preview pic will be updated when there is a new comic.
Kaya blowing up the door would have been a legit alternative, but since parts of the ceiling are coming down, it might not be such a good idea :p
It’s not your browser. I just forgot to change the preview image xD I’m forgetfull at times. I’ll update it soon now that you brought it to my attention. Thanks for the heads up
Kaya seems to have a knack for setting of traps, doesn’t she?
I wonder how many Kaya-induced facepalms there were/are/could be?
One, two… Many!
It’s not like she wants to set them off. It just happens when she does something xD
Okay I think I have this thematically confused dungeon figured out: it started out as an ore mine until a vein of diamonds was uncovered.
Diamonds in d&d are used in almost all magic involving reincarnation, (living) reanimation, cloning, basically anything you could use to subvert death.
The owners used the diamond to craft the crystal duck (possibly the others too I don’t know what they’re made of) an attempt to become immortal.
This failed because the owners didn’t know what a Phoenix was, just that there was a death beating bird in the world. They sealed it away to hide their failure. But the artifact still had power that someone with an affinity for necromancy can use.
…oooooooooor maybe I’m just reaching
I am the terror that lurks in darkest cave.
I am the artifact that reanimates your enemies.
I am …. Crystal Duck.
Evil cousin of Darkwing Duck!
I am the enemy who crumbles ceiling on your heads , i am …….. Penguin XD
*with Kaya help* ^_^”
They just ran out of railroad tracks and were like ‘meh, might as well make it into a dungeon. That’s where the real money is nowadays’ xD
That was my second guess
Well, it appears my penguin-related comment never went through last week, but I’m happy to say I’m still here. (I probably forgot to hit submit or something, I had just woken up when I read the comic.) xP This is TOO CLASSIC for Kaya, I love it. This needs to be a new rule of the internet: If there’s a trap, Kaya will find a way to trigger it. No exceptions. The expressions in this panel are priceless as well. All in all just really well done. Keep up the good work Robin. Stay awesome.
I checked if your comment got stuck between the website’s door but I didn’t see any comment still pending or waiting for approval from me, so I think your guess might be correct.
Also, Kaya, the trap-mancer xD
Thanks for the kind words, Alpha ^^
It occurs to me that most of the traps/problem are aimed a letting Kaya give maximum annoyance to the other team members–almost as if the DM was getting even with her for something like oh, say, knocking him down while saying “hello” or something…..
oh, Benji is not quite that evil, Kaya is just an easy target for these kind of things xD
Wait, “…not quite that evil…”? What kind of a DM isn’t as evil as possible? O.o
Of COURSE you can’t trust penguins. The cute and cuddly thing is just an act, beneath that they are least plotting.
“Just smile and wave boys”
“Cute and cuddly, Private; cute and cuddly.”
Haha, so true xD I love those penguins ^^
“Is it alright?” (wiggle-wiggle)
Kaya is 100% the star of this page! (for me) Holding the end of her own tail to make sure it’s okay is great; especially in panel three. (Body pose in panel two, also!) And I love her expressions all the way through! Perspective is fun in the last panel. I like looking at the difference in tail views.
That’s why human world isn’t good for anthros : so many time where they doesn’t care and closes a door on our tail ^_^”
Well, she got to check if her tail is still intact xD
Thanks Ed, Kaya does indeed steal the show in this page ^^
It’s like the dungeon was tailored to their personalities or something
I think we can thank Benji for this ^_^”
“Benji the Tailor!”
My Benji is rich ^_^”
Benji knows what he’s doing :p
Is Kai developing a crest or is that just a cow(dragon)lick on the top of his head?
Just his hairs . You can check all strips about it
Like Panther said, that’s his regular hair. It’s pretty spikey :p
I am the trigger of my trap.
Steel is my pedestal and crystal is my body.
I lay in wait over a thousand days.
Unknown to thiefs
Nor known to Kaya
Withstood boredom to create the perfect trap,
waiting for one’s arrival
I have no regrets. This is the only path.
My whole life was Unlimited Trap Works.
– Penguin
Seeing all these small stones fall from the ceiling here , it seems there is nothing to be afraid of . I bet the crumbling ceiling is only in the birdies room : the necromancer had surely planned that someone would notice the penguin quickly then will put it back on his pedestal while the adventurers were still in the room (sealing their fate) ………….. Theory ^_^”
So they escape the temple just in time to meet Belloq outside with a bunch of irate South American tribesmen…
Don’t give ideas to Robin/Benji ……… Kaya is already enough a disaster in there ^_^”
Also, Indy had a whip and a pistol, not tac-nuke level spells.
*boops* it cute
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