Behind door number one
Crisis averted, on to the next way this adventure can go horribly wrong.
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Don’t ask questions, Rex,
you may know get the answer.
The truth is a strange manoeuvre
and you’re not yet a dancer.
Cleo’s crushed by a happy hug
perhaps she needs another shield?
Kai’s blast did its dark work,
it certainly cleared out the field.
No, don’t ask questions Rex,
not even about the talking door;
face it, Wolfie, the fun tonight
is like nothing you’ve seen before.
Cleo is blushing the ship is real
Or she’s not used to physical contact, given that her previous friends were only after her money :p
Remember kids- a hammer is as advanced as the object you picked up to use as a hammer was. Perhaps your hammer used to be a wifi router? Also, how is Kaya phrasing this so that her character is hugging cleo? Did she roll a 20 for hugs?
Maybe the characters are just mimicing their real life behaviour.
And maybe paladin Rex should ask the girls about the hammer, you know hammer space and all.
Oh no, not hammer space xD
Yes, the title/alt text says, “Kaya hug, rolled critical success.”
Absolutely a 20 for hugs
If you’re going to use a router as a hammer you better pick a dialup one, the demonic connecting sounds could double as an extra attack that confuses the enemy :p
Sign backside: ‘Please clean up the room and feed the zombie servants. Black Well Inn. THE resort for dungeon masters.’
Also convenient fireworks spotted for restocking of our demolition girl.
Not very sneaky move by Kai. Let’s hope he did at least a trap check. Maybe they should have tried to knock first. – That or throwing a barrel of fireworks with lit fuse through the door.
sponsored by Dungeon Master Inc xD
Well, they are beginners, Benji is not making their lives difficult by springing traps at them just yet :p
Kaya, put down the firework
Rats, you beat me to it.
kaya- time for my ultimate magic *chucks explosives at them* Yay magic
No worries, she’s a responsible girl that will handle the fireworks with respect and care.
Why are you all laughing?
You seem to stumble upon
As a long time DM and even longer time player i’ve seen worst but then it would explain why there were soo much zombies before.
… is our team just cuting in line and crashing a party?
If only I had known about this before, that might have been a great thing to add to the chapter xD
Unfortunately, no, it’s nothing like that xD
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ….! *Yawn* Mmmmm, oooooh *stretch* Hmmm, ONLY 1PM! Oi, didn’t you jokers read the sign?!
If he/she/it was asleep, I bet they would try to sneak past it though :p
Cleo is really enjoying having real friends, even if she doesn’t want to admit it.
That is so true. Keeping up the front, but inside she’s all happy
I see the CM (Catacomb Master) gave Cleo that shoehorn after all.
And smoking is bad Kai, even if it’s holy smokes. Even worse when there are ignitable objects around.
Yeah, Benji allowed it as a joke. Little did he know it would come in handy :p
“Kaya, put me down” . “Nyaaah” …… Love it ^_^
But what Cleo has in hand in the second panel ?
And even : by the number of visible sticks under , it seems that Kaya has tail grabbed three fireworks (at least) ^_^”
“But what Cleo has in hand in the second panel ?”
That would be the requested shoehorn for dealing with Kaya’s inevitable hugs:
It’s the shoehorn she jokingly asked for earlier in the chapter.
No answer about all the fireworks in Kaya’s tail ………….. I feel a new derail come soon ^_^”
My wife tells the story of a DnD crawl once: “We open the door”
“There are a dozen orcs and a dragon in the room.”
“We quickly shut the door.”
…”You can do that?”
Haha, classic xD Just shut the door again and walk away like that never happened.
it be kinda ironic if it was a dragon.
thou it might be a good opportunity it mix up reality and the D@D universe by having the dragon(in the game) breaking the 4th wall.
not wall between the reader and the characters but the D@D universe and your comic world!
i have other simelr ideas where if you do that the FULL dragon that emerges from the game takes over as game master and it gets TOO REAL!
next the things that happen in the game starts happing to the player! on upsed if the they win the treasures they get in the game they get to keep in in real life!
you can make a idea segment where your readers get to say WHAT the prize they get when they win while the dragon is dungeon master.
as the store progesses he seems to know somthing about why the wold has anthos
he asks about why the twins are the ONLY dragon anthos.
they try to see if there is eny other dragon anthros and one them realise that not only are they the only dragon anthos but the only ones of a mythological kind!
what do you think of my ideas?
The ideas themselves are interesting but they don’t entirely match the Twin Dragons universe.
The one where it would be a dragon in the room, that’s an idea that I’ve played with in the first draft of the chapter, but opted against using it. I had a joke setup around that, but it would revolve around Kai and Kaya being uncomfortable with fighting a dragon. After some thinking, that didn’t make that much sense, since we as humans don’t really feel uncomfortable when we kill another human in a video game (most of us don’t feel uncomfortable because it’s not real) so I went by that logic. If it’s not real, it’s just a game and it’s no big deal.
Given that, putting a dragon in the room fell short because the joke didn’t work anymore, so it became something else.
dang oh well its your world!
i was thinking the magic would only work when there is a HUGE amount of imagination involved like when playing D@D.or larping.
otherwise the dragon i was thinking is for the most part a normal anthero dude.
….THAT just happens to come from the D@D world.
still i think there should at some point have the question of why there are antros come up and why the twins seem to be the only ones of the mythological kind
Cleo -might- be considered mythology based, if you want to think of her as a Naga rather than just a snake.
(Although, I -think- she actually is ‘just’ a snake.)
That cliffhanger….. you’re evil!
I’m not evil, I’m a creator xD
Let’s hope it’s not the dungeon boss “entertaining”… Nah, this is a family friendly comic.
I know this is in game, but I wonder if Kaya does the same hugging thing to Cleo in RL. Got to be weird for Cleo having a friend as strong as Kaya.
I also love the sneaky tail in the last panel. If those fireworks do not go off, I will be disappointed.
Don’t worry, they will go off, it’s just a matter of when :p
Kaya does indeed hug Cleo irl as well. Did we expect anything else xD
Kaya for the love of god please put that firework down before you blow something up or sneeze on it
Maybe that’s her plan, blow something up.
again :p
Maybe that’s why that creeper ( in minecraft ) fell in love with her ( if you watched the gamer dragon comic ” creepy romance” you’ll get what i mean)
Benji: “Built into the back wall of the cave you find a large steel door. A sign which reads “Do Not Disturb” hangs from the door handle. Kai, what do you do?
Kai: “I peek inside the door.”
Benji: “Are you sure you don’t want to level-“
Kai: “I peek inside the door.”
Benji: *Shrug.* “It’s… the Demogorgon!”
Well, that was a wild tangent, but fun to write. Oddly inspiring. I certainly recommend it. Excercise and have fun at once. Stay awesome Robin! Have fun!
When you’re writing a comment at 3 in the morning: “Does this make grammatical sense? I think so. Okay. Post.” Lol. The fun to write thing and Stay awesome we’re intentional, but I have no clue where my brain got the rest of that stuff in the middle. I apologize to anyone who tried to interpret it. xD
“”” I have no clue where my brain got the rest of that stuff in the middle “””
Want an advice ? Stop the orange juice ^_^”
I don’t get it. Did I accidentally make a reference or quote?
Of course, what else would you do in this situation. Peek inside the door :p
Open the door wide and scream loudly : “- Peek a boo” XD
Alternatively scream loudly that, “I GOT A 4!” on a silent check.
And Kai thus finds The Lost Treasure of Monty Haul.
Old D&D joke.
Then Kai thrown the Holy grenade and killed the rabbit ^_^”
That’s Monty Python.
Monty Haul is a munchkin reference to Monty Hall, the host of Let’s Make a Deal (“Hall” and “Haul” being homophones). The joke is players being awarded a big treasure haul by the DM (CM in this case) for comparatively little effort like on a gameshow.
*hands Blue a cookie*
I know where it comes from : was just a joke as your one ^_^
why is kaya grabbing a rocket? I’m worried she’ll start another racket…
It’s a noise maker; a “racket-rocket”.
Rasta rocket ? ^_^”
I like that in panel three I can easily tell who’s speaking even without pointers on the text bubbles or any names being mentioned. That’s a sign of good characterization! Nice, Robin!
let me guess the monster and the treshere they were looking for is one and the same.
cant go wrong wit a good irony or better yet a very BAD one!
it was a duck right?
there is no why you can not find a duck monster funny!
Benji: “And the door opens to reveal a bunch of kobolds making out…”
Kai: “Really…you had to take the game there?”
Benji: “Be glad this isn’t Call of Cthulhu. You have no idea the depths to which I can take that game.”
Depending on the mythology you are using Rex might actually qualify as a kobold.
I see what you’re doing there, Kaya. Don’t we all just love a good fireworks show?
What does Kai see?!