Archive dive
on February 20, 2023
at 3:00 pm
Misha diving into the archive. Meaning she’s looking under the desk xD
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“No friendship requests while I’m at work” Sounds like something someone would put on their Social Media pages.
Kaya wants to have a large circle of friends; she is naturally open to those kinds of things, and I have a feeling her note is going to be amusing.
Poor Misha. From the looks of things, she can’t catch a break, can she?
Oh, Kaya… She really doesn’t have much of a filter. Always says what’s on her mind, no matter where she’s at or who she talks to.
I suspect that the lack of filter is due to growing up in that town, she only and Kai only had each other to talk to.
Most of the people treated them badly (see the bonus story from the KickStarter for more details).
Misha isn’t cursed with a bit of bad luck is she? Wouldn’t think pulling a small slip of paper out of a stack of books would topple them unless their balance was already precarious.
Ok Kaya: remember to come back sometime when she’s off work and rope her into your circle of friends then! ……. Uh, maybe not literally rope her in!
or help her restack those books – everyone loves unexpected help
I could totally see Kaya use actual ropes for that.
Now I’m imagining Kaya lassoing strangers on the streets to get new friends. And why not, since pouncing and stalking seem to work for her.
While wearing a cowboy hat!
We need a sidestory about Kaya in a cowboy outfit trying to lasso “new friends”.
@Taylor Blackwell and her first attempt somehow lassos Kai! Kaya repeatedly catches her twin and their friends as she tries to round up new ones. She may even ROPE her friends into dressing up along with her!
I dunno whether this was a conscious decision or not, but I love the “contrasting parallel” between Amy and Misha: Amy is known for her luck, while Misha seems rather unfortunate :3
If somebody has more luck than average, then somebody else must have less luck than average.
Those books falling wasn’t bad luck though. That was thoughtlessness. Misha should have held her other hand against the book on top of the paper to prevent it from moving with the paper.
Also thoughtlessness by design. I can understand money being too tight to fund a proper desk. But structurally important books should not be used as places to store notes for later. Just saying. And reading back again, that is apparently also on Misha.
That said, some people in real life make their own bad luck like that also.
Avalanche! Hopefully none of the falling books landed on Misha’s head, that would’ve caused the sore spot on her fluffy head to swell up. You’d think she’d learn how to stack books and keep them from falling by now, if this is the fifth time it happened today AND that means it’s a good one…
It’s too late Misha, you’re already Kaya’s friend. Unless you do something rather horrible, like Larissa does regularly, but you’re too much of a good doggy to do so. Maybe the Loud Birthday girl is willing to help you clean up the books, she’s probably got about the same amount of experience as you do with having to clean up after your own clumsiness. Another point in the list of similarities between Kaya Romero and Misha Lenkova
Kaya: *Happy* “We’re on a treasure hunt for our birthday! With this adventure, (*grabs Cleo and Nate*) today we become men! Horrible, beautiful men!”
Nate: “Speak for yourself.”
Cleo: “Kaya, have you been watching ” Chowder” again?”
Misha: “… Why would you watch food? And who else’s birthday is today?”
Kaya: “Oh yeah, I have a twin!”
Misha: “There are more of you, loud girl?!”
A mashup of mishaps
As Mischa meets Kaya
and it’s not just books
that go for a right flyer.
The quest to befriend begins.
The pooch doesn’t have a chance.
Just ask Cleo or Nate;
They’ve both done that dance.
It’s too late to invite her
to the afternoon party.
She’d be quite fun though.
A klutz but a smartie.
And, how long did it take me to notice that “mishaps” in the first line is also “MISHAps”?
I hope one of her names begins with a P so she can be called Misha P.
Now that would be funny!
If this kind of thing happens very often, I can see lots of fellow students calling her “Mishap,” or even Miss Hap. 
I’m pretty sure we’ve heard her last name, but I don’t remember it. I don’t -think- we’ve heard a middle name.
Small detail, but I think Misha might actually be a Russian spaniel hybrid, not a cocker spaniel.
Also, if this is the fifth time and it’s a good day, yeesh. This might not be the last of her either bad luck or bad book stacking we see.
Title text: The “i” in the first “it’s” should be capitalized. Also, add a “d” to “topple”.
Kayla had made the request, does Misha (lovely name) have the will to not bed for after work she will become a friend :p
“Friendship requests not accepted during work.” That means Kaya will make her a new friend after work?
Kai: *waiting for hours after the end of the treasure hunt* Kaya, what took so long?
Kaya: Sorry, my new friend had a long work shift.
Kai: *Confused and a bit nervous* “Do I even want to ask?”
Aww.. Poor Misha needs a hug. ..?.. Oh! Hey, Kaya..!
I find it interesting that Amy has a right-hand (paw?) “glove” on her fur, and Misha has a left-hand “glove.” =3
I’m slightly curious if Astrid chose it that way on purpose.
Hi folks, where is the link to the world guide located? I can’t find it anywhere in the site.
There is likely a location based task to get the real clue which they probably need to find between the pages of a certain book.
Hmmmm sorry to point out but in russian Misha usually goes as a shorter name form of Michael
But then again maybe that’s intentional or smth idk, great comic either way
Oh Oh sorry, just double checked, never actually knew that Michael is an any gender name, sorry XD
Yeah, she’s Russian.
Every time I look back at this page, I love this floofy-ear-and-tail dog hybrid librarian girl more. The kind of person I’d like to be besties with… She’s probably my favorite side character now.
Misha is our frieeeeeennd!
Be my valentine?
“No friendship requests while I’m at work.” sounds like physician professionalism.