Kai and Kaya, now sponsored by the Hybrid Background Wrestling Association xD
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Frozen reference! Not that I’ve seen the movie just yet.
This page is all over the place.
Also, …first? Wow, that rarely happens.
What are you waiting for? They already made a sequel.
I had an opportunity to get first once on a long weekend and I forgot about it. I doubt I will ever manage it unless I for some reason become obsessively devoted to it, or another long weekend without a broken sense of time, which is extremely unlikely considering how often I forget what day it is.
Well, the twins are all over the place :p
Sibling fighting in the background lol
It’s be (sort of) funny if, at the last minute, they fell off the bed and got hurt -just enough- to spend the night in the hospital for “observation”.
Now taking bets :p
Really cute page. Kai has a future in the UFC with how quickly he got to side control, even if he forgot to keep his guard up against incoming tail attacks.
Well, tail attacks aren’t exactly the norm xD
I love how they just ignore an epic fight between two dragons going on behind them ^^
I know, right? Throw some sound effects in there and it’s perfect xD
Twitch her tail and waggle his ears,
both of them are healthy, have no fears;
Kaya’s trying to love her bro, as she said;
her affection will topple him off the bed.
The Doctors try to ignore the madness
as their check up ends without sadness;
this is the best time they could have chosen
as it prevents Kaya singing from ‘Frozen’.
There’ll be a contest to find out who’s best
when they’re back for their next test.
The next tale might be a bit… revengey;
as we see Kai go get even with Benji…
“Kai, you can stop bench pressing the car now.”
“This is just the back bumper. For tomorrow’s set, I will lifting the front.”
that might still be a little out of his league xD
well, they´re still teenagers….but when they´re all grown up? i can totally see that car lifting happening – ok, maybe not an suv, but still!
It depends on the car, too. Maybe a Smart Car?
Nothing like a #FunnyBackgroundEvent to liven up what would otherwise be a very mundane conversation between minor characters. Nicely done!
Yeah, the page needed something, and then I remembered I have two dragons I could put in the background xD
“So, -would you kindly- lift the building of the hospital, for a second? There is a burst pipe under it.” XD
You can’t actually lift any building kindly. Applying enough strength to lift a building on single point would break it.
Tell that to superman….
Various fictional worlds like to play with physics a lot. Superman’s world ignores physical fragility in objects. Dragonball makes them much more fragile.
For more information on this topic I recommend “the physics of superheroes” by James Kakalios. It’s actually a pretty fun read by a physics professor trying to make an entertaining textbook
Here’s a link to a webcomic that talks about how superheroes lifting a building might actually be made to work:
… it’s covered in this page, & the 4 pages that follow.
Pretty sure they couldn’t lift that xD
We already got a taste of their strength when Kai lifted the sofa easily.
I´m excited to see a more techical version of this with the medical testing.
Not sure whether hybrids are generally stronger or if this is Dragon specific.
But judging from Rex and Benny they seem to have human standard strength.
I’m pretty sure it’s dragon specific. I think a fair number of the hybrids get at least a ‘taste’ of their animal counterparts’ abilities; smell &/or hearing for dog hybrids, sight for avians, flame & strength for dragons (Maybe Kaia would horde chocolate if it weren’t so edible. ;-)), gymnastics for squirrels, etc., etc.,
Keep the squirrels away from the energy drinks! Being able to watch a laser beam propagate is a bit much, but still.
Hide it behind a hedge. They’ll never find it!
I watched that movie, that whole scene was fantastic XD
Rex is on the strong side of things, but he trains :p Benji is about average.
I took that training into consideration.
He is a semi-pro athlete, after all. No, i should call him “aspiring” pro.
Sounds better.
Nice end to the visit, little bit of playful sibling wrasslin, a scheduled follow up, and hopefully in the next one: dad taking the twins to get some ice cream (or whatever their preferred snack would be)!
Chocolate! (guess who…)
New movie: “Kaya Romero and the Chocolate Factory!”
You posted that as I was saying hot cocoa. Now it looks a bit stupid.
Does -not- look ‘stupid’ to me! Your reply was lined up in the same column as mine, showing they are two different responses to the same original post. Just a normal part of any conversation where two people comment at almost the same instant to something a friend has just said.
Hot cocoa!
With roasted marshmallows!
Ice cream does sound like a good end to the visit :p
Yay! Another page! Now time to sit and sulk while I wait for another. :c
Haha, sorry for the wait ^^’
Well ; now the hospital is lucky to have two real mythic hybrids to study , i guess the tests won’t be finished before a very long time
And you think Kai and Kaya are going to complain about an excuse to skip school? If they get back in time for basketball practice (or Rex is willing to let Kai join in on his personal practice time should he miss a day), and Cleo can avoid Larissa and Dinah for single days at a time (which should be easier with Nate on the task), I don’t think the twins have anything to be concerned about.
To be honest I’m not worried about those two for a while. I wouldn’t be surprised if they both got suspended for quite a while, Larissa especially considering her actions were more extreme. Dinah’s always struck me as more a follower type so she might be less inclined to get into trouble without Larissa leading her into it. If Cleo runs into Dinah by herself I think she’ll be okay, moreso if it’s somewhere public. I doubt Dinah would want to get into even more trouble so soon after the museum incident.
Point there. Considering the museum security got involved, I doubt the teachers at HCPS would let them go unpunished.
I am thinking that right now Larissa is being referred to as “Miss L.” in juvenile criminal court, or whatever it is called in this jurisdiction, and the teachers and school administration have nothing to say about it.
“Miss L, a minor of 15 years of age, is charged with Vandalism, Wilful Destruction of Private Property and Attempted Aggravated Assault.”
Yes Larissa likely is facing some serious charges eventually in court. She might be able to plea it down to nothing more than a slap on the wrist punishment since this is her first offense (that we know of) and the fact that she is still a minor. Went back and reread the museum arc last night and I just still shake my head at her actions. It does make me wonder about her parents and family (if she has any siblings). About the only thing we know about them is that they tried to get Larissa involved in a number of different activities when she was younger. They can’t have been blind to her temper or to all the nice things she acquired over the years thanks to Cleo. Maybe they’re just the overly permissive type, willing to turn a blind eye to their child’s behavior so long as she didn’t get into serious trouble or inconvenience them. I dunno man, and I don’t know if we will know either unless Robin has something planned out for a future arc involving Larissa again.
they are a pretty interesting discovery, after all :p
I have a lot of questions that probably will never related to the individual page, so from now on I will probably ask one unrelated question and some number of related questions per page.
Unrelated: how long can they continually breath fire?Is there a “Shot limit”? Have they tested either?
Related: can we be expecting to see that other appointment any time soon or will it take a while?
You should visit the tumblr for unrelated questions. Precedent indicates that you’ll get a good few answers.
They never really tested it, but it’s long :p
It will take a while. Next chapter is something different, so it’s at least a chapter worth of waiting.
You did already mention a bit about the next chapter and I’ve been practically screaming in the combined anticipation of both each page, as usual, and the next chapter for the last several pages.
Ok, this page is just cute with the twins playing in the background.
Doc Franklin is very by the book, needs a reason for everything and assumes he’s right until other information is presented… Ok, not a bad thing for a doctor.
Has Kaya ever done a performance of her singing “Let it Go” for her YouTube channel?
Wouldn’t any video singing that song get a cease and desist letter for copyright violation?
There’s been no indications that Kaya is doing her Utube videos for profit, so the answer would be ‘no’. There are countless cover videos up all over the place at this very moment.
Of course she sung that song for her Utube channel xD
How could she NOT? xD
This question prompted me to look at the laws around Youtube cover versions.
It is not that simple as it looks.
Lots of licensing issues.
DANG it, Robin! I was smiling, enjoying the comic, then I read the description. I was NOT expecting that caliber of humor from one line. You made me snort and choke on my water. Hecking W A T E R. ;_; In all seriousness though, that was hilarious. I absolutely love the wit in that one pun. As for the rest of the comic, I love how the twins are just casually wrestling in the background, then continue their conversation with the doctors as if nothing is happening. It’s just so perfectly deadpanned. I love it. In addition I’m eager to see just how strong the twins are compared to your average normal, boring human. Although, more muscle needs more oxygen. Perhaps Kai has an excuse for his lack of stamina in basketball after all. We shall see. Keep up the amazing work Robin, and as always, stay awesome!
You have been around here a while. You know better than to be eating or drinking while reading Twin Dragons! You know that spraying water on a computer is bad for it (well, you do now).
I’m sorry for your water-y loss, Alpha xD
Still, glad to have made you laugh :p
You will have to wait a bit for an official strength test, since next chapter will be something different. It will happen, though :p
Thanks for the kind words ^^
Is me or is it whenever I look at your comics I always miss something like HOW CAN I MISS A FROZEN SONG ESPECIALLY THE MOST POPULAR/ANNOYING ONE!! *system crashes due to overrage* booting up……………………..ok where was I oh yeah how did I miss that frozen reference hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I have no idea why people find that song annoying. It’s beautiful.
It’s being in the vicinity of small children singing it over and over again multiple times that does it.
I guess that’s the same phenomenon as when you set your favourite song as a morning alarm when you’re not a morning person and you end up hating it. There’s nothing wrong with the song itself, but because you hear it frequently in unpleasant conditions, you associate it with a bad memory.
But being as I’m the guy who rewatched Tangled, Frozen, and Moana every day with the subtitles on until I knew the scripts by heart (at the time), I can’t really sympathize with someone coming to dislike a song because they hear it too often.
The reason I think the frozen songs is annoying is actually because it gets stuck in my head even if only heard 2 seconds I will instantly remember the whole song.
In addition to the song being annoying, “No right, no wrong, no rules for me” isn’t a very good message to be raising kids with.
Every plot has an antagonist, and most movies try to make their villains as memorable as their heroes. Any parent who lets their children watch a movie and let them take whatever message they want isn’t raising their kids very well in the first place. And I’ve never met a child that takes music seriously enough to be influenced by one line in an otherwise highly positive song about not hiding what you are from the world just because you’re different.
I guess it’s up to the individual whether the message is positive or promotes self-centeredness and narcissism.
But that’s a minor thing compared to how annoying the song is (although obviously, that’s up to the individual too).
Your ability to mistake that song for self-centeredness tells me that you’ve never actually heard it in context. Between the sheer amount of torment that occurs before the movie begins and her earnest to blame herself for something she can’t control, it’s borderline impossible for her to have anything resembling narcissism.
You’re right that I’m judging the song on its own, not in the context of the movie. The context-less version is what a lot of people get when they sing it and teach it to their kids without having seen the movie.
If you’re saying that the song has a different message to someone familiar with the character and the story (like she learns the error of her ways), then that’s fine. Like I said above, it’s a minor thing. I think with music, there can be a fine line between beautiful and annoying/sappy, and we just come down on different sides of that line. Not a big deal.
Aversion therapy.
You can find anything annoying, if heard often enough.
I love Disney.
Many years ago worked in the Regents Street Disney Store.
I grew to loath with every fibre of my being, the theme to Winnie the Pooh, as is was the main song on the big screen and you heard it at least a dozen times a day.
To this day, I cannot find the remote fast enough if it comes on.
Some details are easy to miss sometimes :p
Maybe it was too obvious xD
When it comes to the twins you get quite a few pleasant surprises. I wonder what will happen when Kaya finally meets Cleo’s family
That’s gonna be a fun chapter when it finally happens
He also needs to write, “Schedule fire-breathing test, preferably at the fire department’s training centre.”
I feel like I know you. Your “voice” is familiar
poor trainees xD
A relative of mine semi-recently graduated from fireman’s training, and when we went out to watch the ceremony he gave me the tour of the training facility. Between the sheer amount of concrete and steel involved and the fact that you can’t really train firefighting without actual fire, there’s no real added threat from the visitation of a well-behaved hybrid (even a fire-breathing one), and it would probably be the safest place to run such a test.
On the other hand, swift action is something that a fireman needs to do on automatic. If the trainees happen to come out to the location in the middle of things, and they see a fire, and the hoses are set up, imagine how much water they’re going to be on the receiving end of. And in the aftermath of the test, how badly do you think the trainees are gonna be jumping at Kai and Kaya?
I think the proper reaction should be “poor dragons”.
It seems strange that I can enjoy reading other people’s comments on the comic almost as much as I enjoy the comic, especially considering how much I love this comic!
Even though it’s a once-a-week comic, I check in almost every day in case someone has said something new and fun!

…or that I feel an overpowering …NEED… to respond to.
It just goes to show that there’s a great community that goes with my comic xD
Are the results of the live stream posted anywhere? I missed the last one and now I can’t stop thinking about it:c
They are posted on patreon on monday, and will find their way to the other websites after a couple weeks. (except for commissions, they get send to the commissioner immediately and later uploaded) Although the Nanachi Borderlands crossover is very relevant right now, so I might upload that one pretty quickly.
Hey! Shouldn’t you be in bed by now young man?!
That all depends on time zone.
No, he’s right, I should be in bed xD
Be interesting to see the full limits of their strenght. Although going by the basketball match with rex the twins may have strength but i don’t think they have much stamina.
I feel like the lack of stamina has more to do with their lack of training on that front. Given the breadth of their strength, they wouldn’t be exerting themselves very much for very long, so they haven’t really had their stamina put to trial. A little endurance training could easily upturn that.
I agree. It could be interesting to see how intense the training would have to be once you take their strength into consideration, but would it potentially cause some problems. For example: running. Since they don’t have to exert themselves as much to achieve the same amount of force, but haven’t been shown to have a considerable speed, wouldn’t it logically take a lot more running for them to actually get tired from it? For the most part that really wouldn’t be a problem, but they would probably hit their physical limit with much less training ( in terms of exertion) and even if it’s not technically a problem in terms of what they can do, but I’d imagine it would be frustrating to know that they can only get so much better no matter how hard they train most others will never truly reach the limit to how much they can improve even if I’m the end they can probably do more. Just an idea, and will probably never actually come up even if kai goes very far in basketball, but I still wanted to mention it
Running speed is on an entirely different spectrum from physical strength. Given their body weight and accounting for the added drag of the massive tail, I’d be willing to say their effort:effect ratio isn’t too far from most other hybrids when it comes to running.