Rex showing that he’s more used to perform in front of a crowd.
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Oh, now she’s stuck
(and a rescue is bad luck)
as she’ll go the way of few hares;
caught whilst still on the stairs.
Kai’s the challenger
but Rex the runner.
The King knows the court;
it’s all really just sport.
Who else is coming?
Expectation’s beat is drunning.
A new threat from above?
A challenger for Amy’s love?
Drunning? Flicking typos.
Oh, now she’s stuck
(and a rescue is bad luck)
as she’ll go the way of few hares;
caught whilst still on the stairs.
Kai’s the challenger
but Rex the runner.
The King knows the court;
it’s all really just sport.
Who else is coming?
Expectation’s beat is drumming.
A new threat from above?
A challenger for Amy’s love?
We’ve all been there, Swrrtie!
Uh oh, the bun has backup! Who shall it be: a new character or a familiar face? Already can’t wait for next week!
‘the bun’ has an upstairs father whom shall protect the litter
That’s one good possibility.
Okay, I can’t get over how wholesome this customer base is. Bless this city.
I also like Rex seeing that Kai is uncomfortable and stepping up to cover for him.
Some of them may just be happy to see someone go up against Amy the Lucky Bunny and beat her for once. No doubt some of them have played against Amy in C & D and similar games.
Rex is speed, but so is Kai. Though Kai may leave indents in the floor when he runs, given his leg strength… Amy seems to like the idea of Rex catching her, but could her little heart and brain handle that? I wonder who the new voice is, maybe it’s Amy’s dad. Next time you role-play, Kai, try to summon your inner Dragon, the fierceness of which would make Rex need to pee! Or summon your inner Kaya, acting like your energetic little twin sister.
Is it me, or is “Alexandra Blackpaw” missing her black paw and spots? They seem to be missing…
You’re right, I thought something was wrong with her this page, but couldn’t put my finger on it
It seems I failed my Quality Control check. I’ll upload an updated page soon.
Maybe Alexandra Blackpaw has the power of invisibility, so she can’t be spotted.
*Incert Drummer playing “ba dum tish” here…*

Given that some of the spots were still visible, her fur pattern invisibility must be spotty.
It’s like Haru and Legoshi from Beastars all over again, but this time the bunny is the one who’s in love with the wolf instead of the opposite!
Rex is going to catch her then Alex will start throwing red streamers while saying, “AAhhhhh! Blood, blood, blood, and…death.”
If her brain and heart doesn’t give out from contact with Rexy. She’d suffer grade A brain derp.
In general, rabbits don’t usually like loud noises or sudden surprises.
Let’s see what the evil knight will do.
You’d think that with how many people she sees, she’d be used to the attention. But I guess game shops aren’t the most likely place to see sports stars.
Hehe! Amy’s not used to the kind of attention she’s about to get from Rex. Also; she does not have a crush on most people.
So many villains are using that line “I’ve already got away with it” … “You never catch me” … so few are doing it the correct way …
Ozymandias: “Do it? Do you seriously think I’d explain my master-stroke if there remained the slightest chance of you affecting it’s outcome? I did it thirty-five minutes ago.”
“I am Ozymandias, not some Republic Pictures villain! Behold my unstoppable plan, ye powerless, and despair!”
LOL Good “quote,” Reynard61!
I don’t know what (show?) your referencing, but it sounds really funny
>> “My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!” <<
It's from a poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley written in 1817. In the poem, this inscription was found on the pedestal of an ancient statue. Found in a desert, only the base of the statue remains intact. The rest of the area is desert.
I’m quoting watchmen. And no, rest of it is not really funny.
As per below, it’s a mash-up of the Shelly and “Watchmen” quotes.
Breathe , Amy , breathe . Stop to fantaisize and take a drink ^_^ XD
“Pass me another (root)beer, please. I think I’m going to need it.”
Amy has to drink the beer quickly : she risks to faint if Rex grabs her in his arms ^_^
LOL So she’ll chug the rootbeer and burp in his nose?
its pretty cool there playing d and d!!
Amy: “No, wait, the stairs!”