Another T-Rex
Either Cleo already knows how to get Kaya engaged in something, or she set up Rex with a roar request unintentionaly.
Whatever the case, Kaya wants to hear a roar now.
Jesse’s adventure will be a day later than usual. I didn’t have the time to finish it up completely today so I rather post it tomorrow when it’s done. Sorry for the wait.
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Cleo’s getting off a joke
and Rex responds with some snark
as he helps our Kaya down
from where she had a lark.
The veneer cracks the scales
as the groups intertwine
and, with the exception of Nate,
they all get on fine.
Even McThunderpants learns,
as Rex refuses to roar,
that Cleo has some humour
that she’s never shown before.
wow ? A joke from Cleo : that’s a very special day ………. Stop to harass Rex , Kaya : a wolf isn’t a T-rex ^_^”
HUH , Nate is a lousy excuse ? XD
Woo! Rex playing the gentleman in panel one! And panel two is funny, but panel four is my favorite.

Took me a minute, but I figured out that last line in the last panel is Rex talking to -Cleo-.
And I am eagerly looking forward to tomorrow’s installment of “Jesse’s Adventure!”
Panel two is funny , but Rex seems to have a “forced” smile for Cleo joke ^_^”
You never know, Cleo’s logic sounds alright enough to Kaya xD
I bet he got that nickname from rexy because of (insert fart joke here)
I considered the film reference before considering someone else might have called him that. I think he is entirely joking possibly with almost no basis.
No I didn’t Even know about this movie it was pure coincidence and I thought you were joking XD
Nah, he made it up on the spot xD
Nate ; Rex will never say “thank you” to you , but more “i’ll kill you” LOL
Quite accurate :p
Robin, who is this person and what have they done with Cleo
You mean Nate ? He’s Rex personal “botherer” ………. and actually flirting with Cleo . Beware to Kai ^_^”
Cleo CAN tell a joke once in a while, she just doesn’t do it much of at all :p
Any chance the T-Rex can get two dragons playing on the team?
I just considered the social media implications. That Kaya would be interested in.
Not a chance, Kaya is not interested in basketball. Not even for the social media pressence :p
Nate McThunderpants. Must be Irish. (I’m mostly Irish, by the way.) Otherwise, maybe he got his name by doing something like (at 2:04)
That last name sounds Scottish to me
He made it up on the spot though :p
I feel like something bad is going on with Benji and Kai, or is about to. I know disaster tend to usually follow Kaya around, but every now and then her twin gets the affliction as well.
If the next time we see them next time and one of them is hanging from a ceiling exhibit I will probably be surprised.
Usually with a little ‘help’ from his sister.
They’re thinking up a walrus-related horror movie script as we speak xD
I was expecting the Rex, T-Rex thing to come up at some point. Yeah, Cleo needs to work on her jokes. Though she has figured out how to distract Kaya.
Personally, I’d like Rex to howl more than roar.
Has Rex ever howled at the moon?
Howl to the moon ? XD
there’s a sketch of that over on my patreon. It’s exclusive for now but they get releases once in a while
Cleo can tell jokes?!?!… Yay! It’s great to see Cleo smiling.
McThunderpants made me laugh. XD
Yup, she can, on occasion :p
Glad I made you laugh ^^
And that, kids, is how I met yer mother.
Just reached out and grabbed ‘er by the tail, huh?
Wrong series xD
“Not even for an ear wiggle?” << ??? I didn't even know those were special! Or does she save them for -special boys-?
I used to know a girl who could wiggle her nose like Samantha on "Bewitched". I was always trying to get her to do that.
Just Kaya trying to get her way, and she has been told that wiggling her larger than average ears is cute :p
She was told correctly!
Best T-Rex ever!
and quite a manageable size, too.
haha xD
“Kaya, setting my team captain on fire will not make him roar!”
Maybe it does, only one way to find out
i´m so happy i found this comic!! you might want to tweek your advertising banners though, when i first clicked on it ended up on fur affinity, where the comic posts are all mixed up with artwork – ok, the artwork rocks, but it makes it a pain to read. i almost gave up, then i thankfully discovered the real link
Hey Peya, welcome to the comic. I’m glad you enjoy it ^^
I shouldn’t have an advertisement banner up that links to furaffinity. Could you tell me where you found that banner so I can look into that? Thanks ^^
Well it happened again. I have fallen into the shipping trap yet again. Rex x Kaya.
Shipping traps are devious little things that are there when you least expect them and BANG, you’re in it xD