Another familiar face
And in comes Benji the lion xD
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Another well-placed F[ur]-bomb. Nicely done, Robin.
And Benji’s lion form looks so incredible. I habe no idea how you managed to take a dog hybrid and make him look like a lion while still keeping it recognizably the same character. Major props, major props.
…That being said, I am somewhat hoping that Benji the lion is not indicative of anything greater.
Thanks ^^
Yeah, Benji looks almost too good as a lion. Let’s hope people don’t want to replace him xD
Again we meet a Lion dog
and now it’s one you know
but, is his bark worse than his roar
or is it all for show?
He’s dressed warm, this ‘friendly’ new face,
but is he telling true
you know he wouldn’t trick you but
a Cheshire Dog might do.
It’s good to see him back again;
he’s been gone so long.
He may trick you in a mad dream;
in truth, his friendship’s strong.
Thanks for yet another amazing poem
Benji the lion?! 0.o Or is it lion dog?
Could he be similar to a Sphinx in this situation?
I was kinda hoping for a tribal mask. DX
If he’s a lion dog, hopefully Kai doesn’t believe anything he says.
He’s a lion here. He’s definitely up to something here ^^
3001, nnnnrg 3002, c’moooooon legs, 3003 and whew finally someplace flat! Now I can fall flat on my face! *kerplop*
And of course Benji’s gotta be here! Course he probably has a different name in this dream too but that’s for the next one! He looks good as a lion, well done Robin!
I’m glad people like his lion form.
Oh yeah, Kai is regretting the stairs xD
For some reason I’m reading his “Roar” shirt like the gay lion in South Park.
“Some reason” is probably the fact that his parents are a gay couple.
Haha, I didn’t even think of that but you’re probably right. I must have made the connection subconsciously.
haha xD
I still maimtain that “what the fox” still has much more emotion than a proper F-bomb. Go, Robin!
It’s age appropriate but still gets the message across ^^
Son of a biscuit , that’s a very long stair to heaven ^_^”
Benji is now a lion (with a roaring maned T-shirt) ; luckily , that’s all Kai has made to him
I’m now asking to me what Kaya has possibly putted in the soup ? XD
The soup was fine, it’s just Kai’s dream ^^’
I’m starting to get a certain “Wizard of Oz”-type of ‘vibe’, here.
Benji may not be “cowardly”, but he **IS** a lion.
“Cleo”/”Lilo” has no memory of Kai, so perhaps this represents her “lack of brain”?
Given how ruthless he is on the basketball-court, perhaps Rex will be the “Heartless” one?
( … this “symbolism” is all part of Kai’s ‘directed’ dream, after all … )
I hadn’t gotten a “Wizard of Oz” feel yet. I’m still not sure. If alt-Benji joins the team, then okay, but I’m guessing he’s going to be more along the lines of a tester than a team joiner.
Nice try on the symbolism
That could have really been it. I didn’t base myself on the Wizard of Oz story, though, so I didn’t make them like that ^^
There are three things this one page has reminded me of simultaneously. DMC beat me to the first. I’m definitely getting a “Wizard of Oz” feeling here between the stairs and the manner of Benji’s appearance. Even if it’s not a direct reference, the undertones are certainly there. The same can be said about the Sphinx. As soon as I saw Benji’s design I was reminded of it. I don’t THINK that Benji was put in as a riddle master, he seems more likely to join the party, but the design similarities are certainly present. The last thing I’m reminded of might just be me, but between the sandals and his expression, anyone else getting a “Samurai Jack” vibe from Kai in Panel 5? It just feels like a very similar art style. Enough with the references though, the art is once again amazingly done Robin! I love that overview of the village and the ocean behind Kai from the stairwell, and Kai’s expression in Panel 2 sums up the feeling of walking up a large flight of stairs almost too well. You do a great job making these characters convey their emotion to the audience, and it really does feel like we just saw someone reaching the end of a long hike, despite not seeing Kai climbing the stairs. Your ability to convey so much of the story not just in each page but in every individual panel is truly remarkable. You’re a true master of the pen (er… stylus?), both in writing and in drawing. Keep up the good work, and as always, stay awesome!
Actually, my first thought on seeing Benji was of the Cheshire cat in Alice In Wonderland.
Thank you, Alpha
I’m very glad everyone likes lion Benji’s design, and that everyone is having these theories about him being a sphinx or something. Really great to read xD
Thanks for your kind words again, Alpha ^^
Gosh! You have suprised me, man, with Benji. He was one of the last characters I’ve thinking about to meet at the mountain.
I mean he is “a kind of” Benji. The “cooler” Benji
Haha, I’m always looking out for ways to surprise :p
Jesse’s Adventure, panel 4: There should be a comma at the end of “own”.
Thank you
A lion dog with a “roar” shirt? How much you want to bet jin is sitting on the other side?
He initially thought Kaya when seeing Cleo and this is a version of another characters top. I’m expecting a few swaps between characters being made in this dream.
Um… {awkward guilty hand-raise} …Thinking Lilo was Kaya instead of Cleo was all on me.
Yeah, there will be someone at the other side, that’s for sure ^^
*cough*a matter of life and death*cough*
absolutely xD a comment last page about taking away the goddess Kaya’s chocolate to make it rain made me think of this
A real classic xD
Ok in a comic with 4/5 main characters does this give anyone else the suspicion that Kaya is at the top?
Hmmm, or I introduce another new character xD
“Who’s Benji? My name’s BENJAMIN!”
Or “Ben Jammin”?
I know “alternative” cuss words are a thing, and although I’d rather see them than actual cussing, I’d still rather see something more like, “Oh for goodness sake” than what’s seen here.
Since I forgot to mention it, I wonder if Kai’s tiredness from climbing the stairs is linked to his body being tired from fighting Dragon Flu. If so, should we expect him to get more and more tired until the fever breaks?
That’s a good point, & it may explain why Kai is so exhausted, but “Lilo” is not.
As for “alternative” cussing (AKA: “Euphemisms”), I’d say that it’s an art-form that can be both hilarious & truly inspirational, if done well.
Still, I admit that it’s not for everyone, & it can be seriously cringe-worthy, if done poorly.
It’s a bit of a trade-off with the cussing words. Since this is an all ages comic, the Fox-bomb does the job nicely to keep it from being a cuss but also give them older readers a nice joke :p
About your other question, we will see him getting tired from the stairs, but you will see soon that he recovers quickly :p
Ben Grimm?
I am loving that hair ^^
Though the rest motif feels a bit weird to me
It’s right on the edge of some sort of “not-quite-uncanny-valley” for me.
Looking forward to this interaction!
I got a “Benji’s cool older brother” vibe off this design. Or maybe an alternate benji that swapped roles with rex (though I think that’s the hair)
Wait, I thought the Scarecrow and the Tin Man came before the Cowardly Lion? XD
Maybe Benji is not cowardly at all, just a lion xD
Nice Censor. Kid friendly and have a near-homophone to the actual word. Nicely done.
Question: Goddess must be Kaya. It just have to be.
Thanks, I like to use the fox-bomb when appropriate :p
And who knows. I got other options to put at the top as well :p
Plot twist…it’s Rex. In drag.
Rex: “Kai…your subconscious is reeeeally weird.”
As a man with relatively minor Cerebral Palsy, stairs like that are in my humble opinion the tool of the devil and must be destroyed. Either that, or someone needs to build resting locations every fifty or so…
Oh, I’m sure a lot of people agree ^^
“You see, if you keep going like the way you are, you’re going to die of exhaustion. This is the INFINITE staircase.”
Kai: “I thought it was the ETERNAL stairway.”
Benji: “Oh, really? I forgot. Being on these stairs plays hell with the memory.”
One must exercise one’s memory in order to keep it strong! Count the steps…
“It’s like, every time I count it’s different, y’know?!”
Not even knowing the stairway they need to guard xD
Just had a thought:
This looks like a great time for Kai to grow wings! It’s only a dream, after all.
Kinda makes me wonder how they’d be as glider pilots “irl”.
Even stunt-gliders! Doubt if papa Romero has that kinda spare money laying around after just opening his own restaurant. Maybe Cleo will take up glider flying and give them a chance to try it. 
They’d have to use some sort of strapped-on wings, I think. Anything else wouldn’t work with the joke.
and give people even more reason to ask for their wings? I think not xD
Just make one twin a pilot and the other an architect. “See? Wings. Happy now?”
Well , i have a scientific theory : this is a dimensional stair . You come back at the beginning when you reach this point , but it seems different to stop you to notice it ^_^”
Maybe that’s where the “lost memories” thing comes in?
Wait… KON??? (I am a bleach fan.)