A fair proposition
I was really looking forward to showing this page. Nate is a tricky guy. He knows how to get information and how to use it to his advantage. You rather want to keep him as an ally.
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Bat McThunderpants is on the move,
twisting, grifting and keeping loose.
One thing becomes clear, dear girls,;
you don’t want him on your kaboose.
Ducking and weaving the dumb duo –
who seem to have lost one if you look –
Nate expounds on all that he’s found;
he can read her life like a book.
Blackmail is an ugly word – but true –
and he’s enforcing an unwanted truce.
Showing off his utterly awesome side;
the ‘victim’ of Rex’s affectionate abuse.
The hero hiding in the background.
A human? Hero, keeping all safe and sound.
(Oh, what a typo with that ? Or is it..?)
I’m not so sure that it’s they’ve lost one, it may just be that Lizzy is simply off panel for this comic. She is the smallest of them and didn’t seem to be for the physical stuff anyway. Now after this is all over she might, and I really hope she does, consider leaving Larissa and seek out some new friends. Larissa really needs some help straightening out and finding better outlets for her anger.
Very hard to catch a basketball player , isn’t it ? ^_^
WOA 0_o ……….. We’ve found the reincarnation of edgar Hoover XD
“Subjects face turns red when angry, clearly a communist.”
A communist 0_o …………….. *Call mc Carthy* ^_^”
Yeah, Nate is pretty good at dodging :p
Ah the dangers of social media! Gotta be careful about what’s put out there about you as well as who’s allowed to see it!
You know this got me thinking: Benji better be prepared and have his campaign well planned out if Nate ever joins the group for a session of Dungeons & Drakes. Nate seems the kind who would memorize the rules quickly and then proceed to find and use all of the exploits!
Definitely a thing to think about. Social media is great when it works as intended xD
Using exploits wouldn’t be fun. He’s the type to exploit everything within the story itself, though :p
Only one rule to remember.
The Game Master is god
His word is law.
McThunderpants is distilled awesome.
Haha, he’d love to hear that xD
Mc Thunderpants is so amusing to watch in this conversation, using brains over brain, I like it.
Side note its life harder not live harder, if that’s a typo.
Also, in the next panel, he says:
“Did your parents force you to take on a hobby.”
… which should end with a QUESTION-MARK, not a PERIOD.
being not very strong himself, he had to use other means to get ahead of everyone else :p
It’s indeed a typo. I’ll have a corrected version uploaded soon. Thanks for spotting it ^^
Np, just happy to help. And side note I’m now invested 0.1% of this comic. Keep up the lovely humorous comic.
Panel 5: “Did your parents force you to take on a /hobby?/”
Alt-text: There should be a coma at the end of “is”.
Jesse’s Adventure: “…of /sea-themed menus/ and…” “…even more /Kraken-themed/ stuff on…”
Not to be a stickler, but I think you mean panel 4.
Oops, you’re right. Size of panel 2 threw me off. My bad.
Also, that second one should say “comma”. Damn iffy M key…
Thanks Jprime, I missed those typo’s myself when I was correcting some of the dialogue before posting. I’ll have a correct version uploaded soon.
Quickly becoming a fan favorite with this one. Most artists give their characters moments to really shine, and this one was executed perfectly. Welsh Rat also made a good observation in that one of the trio has disappeared. Maybe Cleo won’t be the only one leaving that toxic group? We shall see. As always, an amazing amount of depth and plot development packed into a single page, made in one week. Robin is a living legend as an artist, and only getting more and more “on a roll” with these things. I say it in almost every comment, but that’s because it’s true. I can be a bit of a critic, but Robin’s work never ceases to amaze me. Keep it up Robin, and as always, stay awesome!
Thanks Alpha
You, a bit of a critic? I only hear good things from you xD
Nate sure has his moment to shine now and in the next couple pages. He got some more things to do :p
I am an old-school Apache. We dealt with bullies the Old Way, using kung-fu and garden hoses packed with sand.
My 12-year old niece, however, finds this hilarious and is taking notes.
Her mother…my sister…is busy deleting everything off of her social media, thank God.
*looks at Robin*
*thumbs up*
I’m glad to be educational :p
Turns out I guessed right
‘Bout Larissa’s age (sixteen)
Flunked kindergarten?
Her nickname “Lala”
Seems to embarrass her quite
Man, she looks right pissed
How many students
Does Nate have all the shit on?
It makes one wonder
The three are now two
Lizzy did a Heel-Face Turn
She’s the smart one, yup
Panel three should read
“Could make life harder for you”
But you have put “live”

That’s some skillful haiku-ing, there — Kudos!
As good as Welsh Rat’s raps.
Apologies in advanced, but only word I can think of at this point in time
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yn8owgLDELw these two say it all
Haha, I think it’s appropriate xD
I keep thinking that he should threaten to call the cops on her for destroying that likely very expensive statue.
I think it’s interesting, and telling, that Larissa is already referring to that ball as “my stuff”.
p.s. And I keep enjoying the fig leaves in the background. LOL
She’s pretty posessive, even of things that aren’t her own xD
He should, but where’s the fun in that xD
Wow. He has mad dodging skills. Must be a demon to play against in basketball.
Ah yes, social media used offensively. This is why I don’t use social media much.
And it always supprises me how often people yell “coward” at people just because they won’t stand still to let you hit them.
Exactly because they can’t hit him. They only thing they can do is calling them cowards.
Nate is a great player, just like Rex ^^
The arm might have fallen off but the fig leaf remains immaculate, truly some of Figius Leafus’s finest work.
That The Thinker has way better hair than the original.
♪ Don’t stop me now, I’m having such a good time
I’m having a ball. ♫
It’s the thinker like I would have made him xD
those fig leaves were made with censor powers. They will never let go ^^
So amusing, I wonder if he’s going to join the gang for a few sessions of the game
C&D with these guys would be too easy for Nate. He plays with the pro’s!
Might drop in for a fun-night though.
That just means he has more experience with the game, which means the character he brings in will be his idea of how to make the game more interesting.
Nate in C&D, there’s an interesting thought :p
Bwahahah!!! Go Nate go, he’s a slippery one ain’t he.
One possible spell check I found is in panel three: “I could make /life/ harder for you.”
But overall, still a great page
Very slippery xD
Thanks, I noticed the spelling mistake too late. I’ll be uploading a corrected version soon ^^
… Pffff… Ha ha ha ! XD
It’s the good time to go into exile to Tibet (or to Teletubbies Land), “Lala”
My brother had a girlfriend known as”Lala”. I never met her, but I got the impression the name…fit.
A nice and embarrassing nickname that she’d rather keep secret :p
I’m starting to see how Nate fits into Rex’s team. Rex seems to play mostly by instinct and natural talent, having a supervillain level strategist covers the other side of that coin. (Not to say Rex doesn’t think but we’ve seen what happens when he gets riled up)
Nate is the trickster of the team while Rex is the scorer. Nate steals and holds the ball, and plays it to the others. He’s really coordinated in his handling of the ball AND he’s a strategist, like you said. It’s really hard to get past him on the court xD
Hell hath no fury like a ninja with a smartphone.
I love how he beats them through non-aggressive means. I’m personally more a fan of moves like “Pacifist Crush” or “Love for All Mankind Kick.”
“Fist of Hunger!”
1st panel: McThunderpants’ arm is bent back further than a normal person should be able to bend it (I know because I tried).